Monday, December 31, 2012

Another Year Gone

There are only 13 hours left of 2012... And at first thought, I am happy to see it go. 

Then I reflect. 

I remember the moments in the rocking chair with Max, singing, reading and snuggling.  I think of our failed attempts to have another baby.  I remember the dinners with my sweet daughter whose life seems to be transforming right before my eyes.  I think of our discussions about finances.  I remember the date nights with my wife and the laughter we always seem to find at just the right time.  I think about how differently we sometimes see things.  I think of my very best friend in the world and our two awesome weekends we managed to carve out this year.  I think about missed opportunities to spend time with friends.  I remember our family vacation with three of us and two sets of grandparents in one condo for an entire week and I can't think of a better way for Max to spend a week at the beach hanging out with two of his Grandfathers!  I think about my own grandparents and relive family vacations from my own childhood and am grateful for the time I still have with them.  I think about the people I've lost this year - both literally and figuratively.  The people who were in my life only for a brief period of time for one reason or another and the lessons I've learned from them.  I remember that people are ALWAYS who they show you they are.  Without fail.  So pay attention and surround yourself with people who bring something to your life.  I think about my funny friend Crystal who lost her battle with cancer just two weeks ago.  One of only two people who I can think of that truly shared my love for and appreciated the art of sarcasm.  She was one of the funniest people I had ever met and I feel lucky to have known her.  

I think about all of these things and more and I think want to cherish every single second of these last 13 hours.  It all makes you who you are, so make the most of it. 

Happy New Year Friends!